Reviving the debate on the safety of water fluoridation
In the world of pediatric public health, there are some ongoing controversies about some universally recommended preventive measures. One of those measures is public water fluoridization. It is considered a staple of public health dental prevention. Proponents argue for its safety, while detractors have long raised the alarm of fluoride as an extremely powerful halogen free radical, that has the potential of adversely impacting neurological development. Few studies have definitely put the debate to rest, but some fresh research may be starting the tip the balance in one direction.
The most recent Canadian study with a cohort of 500 women, is finding a pattern of child IQ drop proportionate to the level of maternal exposure, which should frankly have us concerned, even with the limits of the type of studies conducted ( epidimiological study, which draws conclusion from correlating population data with certain variables, in this case maternal intake and urine concentration of fluoride). All the more since a 2017 Mexican study indicated very similar results.
Everyone needs to make informed decisions about their health and that of their family based on the most current information, which is often complex and sometime contradictory. I hope this piece of research will help you in that direction