The Body Works Clinic

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Clarification on the Availability of Soft Tissue Therapy Services in April.

The flurry of State and Federal successive orders about various business closures is confusing for everyone, and I realized earlier this morning that our office has been fielding the same question quite a bit, which means I should probably post that on our social media outlets.

In regards to massage therapy services: as per state orders, routine massage therapy appointments for wellness purposes will be deferred to the end of April. Soft tissue therapy services with Anne Knocke are still available if indicated for medical reasons and with a current valid health care provider prescription. The latter applies to patients who are not currently under chiropractic care at our facility, since our patients have soft tissue therapy services as part of their documented treatment plan. We are prioritizing patients with acute episodes , injuries and deterioration of existing conditions. Please call the office if you have further questions.