The Body Works Clinic

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Chiropractic and Infantile Colic: 1 Hour and 12 Minutes Less Crying

Babies come and go in waves at the office, we have a lot of full bellies waddling in and out these days, so a new crop is about to arrive. Moms and dads to be are mostly thinking about delivery, but we manage to squeeze in a little conversation about the bundle of joy that will be a new resident of their household as well. And sometimes, the little bundle can be very unhappy and be quite vocal about it.

I was listening to a research podcast on my drive home last week. Infantile colic is one of those health problems that really, REALLY matters to the parents but for which conventional medicine is largely hands off , with the idea that the baby will outgrow it in time. That is little consolation to child and parent. The munchkins must be feeling really quite miserable to cry themselves into exhaustion and the parents feel on edge and powerless.

Colic is a complicated set of possible triggers to unpack, however chiropractic care has time again shown to be worth exploring and really safe. The research article focuses on evidence for various integrative approaches to infantile colic. Manual therapy showed on average 1 hour and 12 minutes less crying per day in infants receiving chiropractic care. One of the podcast commentators was wondering how much of a quality of life impact these 72 minutes of daily screaming would have. The other commentator is heard bursting out laughing. Obviously not a question anyone would ask who has ever been in that situation.