The Body Works Clinic

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Recently I have tried to completely revamp how I address veggies in my daily routine. I grew up where vegetables were just something on the plate you had to eat with dinner and that was pretty much it. That had led to a long battle with vegetables I am most definitely not winning, but it is getting better. While pregnant with little man, Lee I had difficulties with high TSH levels and gallstones. These are things that really should have been addressed prior to pregnancy, but they were unknowns to me as I never experienced gall stone pain (to my knowledge) and was always told my TSH was “within normal limits”, which I don’t think is completely true, but regardless here we are.

I was told I needed to get on medication through the remainder of my pregnancy, long story short we tried alternatives (different blog for another day), didn’t work out, ended up on the medication. Now, 4 months postpartum, labs have been drawn again (I have also since stopped taking the medication) and thankfully TSH has come back down, but we still have some room for improvement.

Here is the good part. DID YOU KNOW THAT VEGGIES CAN HELP SUPPORT THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM! THE SYSTEM THAT LITERALLY CONTROLS THE HORMONES THROUGHOUT YOUR BODY. Yeah, yeah Kaila, everyone knows fruits and veggies are good for you. STOP, please, because they are not just “good for you” they are like really really good for you. So, find ways to make eating them easier and fun because you need them, like bad.

Organic vs Non organic- find the dirty dozen on THE ENVIRONMENTAL WORKING GROUP page where they discuss the “dirtiest” fruits and veggies, these are ones you will want to consider purchasing organic (again, we can get more into this another time).  This group also discusses and verifies beauty products and has been a household friend of our - I actually have the ranking number on a bunch of our products in the house. Beauty products are also a huge endocrine disruption and has played a role in switching up for better products in order to naturally regulate hormone levels.

If you’re trying to get more fruits and veggies into your daily routine, you can try introducing some Dynamic Fruits & Greens by NUTRIDYN while finding ways to cook and consume actually fruits and vegetables as the real thing is almost always better, sometimes it just isn’t realistic to consume enough. This should be taken as a supplement to enhance your fruits and veggie intake rather than try to completely be supported by.

This blog post does not replace visiting a provider that can best serve your health needs.