Sports Nutrition- Hydration Part I
I was recently listening to a talk from Todd Stableton on Hydration and Performance, the following is what I have taken away and wanted to communicate with each of you.
Hydration is so much more than just drinking your recommended amount of water daily. Sure, it’s a good start, but to truly have good hydration within your systems more is needed. Todd Stableton mentions hydration being the consequence of a good lifestyle, similar to posture.
The term “to water” actually means to encourage health and growth. Just as you were to water your plants, for them to be healthy and grow.
We can use water as an electrical conductor and us as humans are born at about 70% water. So, that can make us electrical conductors or as Todd said “the more hydrated somebody is, the more potential they have for energy”. Cool.
So, how do we get hydrated? Water follows nutrients, right? If we look around us and look at soil and dirt, the most hydrated soils are in the rainforests which have the largest amounts of nutrients. Or the fields around us that are more hydrated than deserts but less hydrated than rainforests, must have some nutrient content to them. Muscles can be storage components for nutrients while fat is unable to store nutrients, but is quite able to store toxins. Meaning as people are raising their fat percentage, they are raising their dehydration levels or lowering their hydration.
You can probably begin to see how accurate the first statement is with “hydration being the consequence of a good lifestyle”.
We want to be drinking nourishing water and can do so by adding back some minerals like a pinch of pink Himalayan sea salt.
Will be continued in Sports Nutrition- Hydration Part II , stay tuned.