The Body Works Clinic

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Yoga Blocks for Ergonomic Modification and More-

I wish I had run into this earlier podcast by Chris Masterjohn 4 months ago. At the time, we were fielding a lot of emergent questions from patients trying to find the most comfortable way to work from home on a short notice, often with nothing more than a laptop and an old kitchen chair. The low low tech retrofits I was proposing (old books, shoes boxes), were definitely doing the trick, but Masterjohn’s use of the two simple yoga blocks in endless possibilities of propping, elevating, and lowering is quite brilliant.

The fall of 2020 is looking more and more like a lot of people are going to continue working from home - quite possibly joined by school age children on a part or full time basis. As such, every one in the house needs to be able to modify work and study surfaces to fit their individual needs, and everyone needs to be able to switch positions on a frequent basis. The blocks may be the easiest and cheapest way to achieve that, and as an added bonus, less aesthetically disruptive than many other solutions.