"Baby hip" pain: smart tool solution
Those of you who have known me for many moons know that I'm not a big fan of gadgets, however I do recognize that there are some incredibly useful tools that help manage chronic condition and prevent injuries in the 1st place.
I came across this product at a social gathering recently. Apparently it's been around for a while but must be a well kept secret because I've never seen one of our mom patients show up with one of them, and I've not heard it bragged about as it probably should be. There will many many months during which a child is likely to be held and carried on one hip while the other dominant free arm is tending to things, when a child is fussy and needs to be held. From a chiropractic standpoint, this results in chronic distortion patterns in the pelvis involving rotation and translation that seem to be very refractory to treatment until the child grows into a toddler that no longer gets picked up. (And sometimes that can last until a child is 3 or 4 ).
The hip belt prop has a little platform that can hold a child's bottom, and if the supporting belt associated with the platform is pretty broad and snug, distributes the weight of the child pretty evenly without requiring the trunk to lean the opposite direction. In that manner, you get the best of both worlds: a happy child being held and supported with a loose hand, while mom has a free hand, and spine and pelvis maintaining pretty neutral alignment. This would incidentally be a great gift to any new parent, if you find yourself staring at one more cute onesie likely to be outgrown in a few weeks on a baby registry.