Already Thinking About Movement as Part of your 2020 Resolution???

Dr. Alvarez and I have some rather hilarious discussions about patient management, which get even weirder by the end of our very busy work weeks. When contemplating the topics for our first quarter monthly education series, the topic of continued exercise routines during the winter months was a natural choice, but what to call it wasn’t so easy. After tossing around some very boring headlines ( 5 tips for winter wellness, bluh ), we decided that we needed something with a little more bite without getting too insulting. Hence the title Winter Couch Potatoes 101, which, we hope will be a good happy medium (you be the judge).

At any rate, I hope that in spite of your post Christmas blues you will brave the cold on January 13th at 5:30 to join us for a 70 minute hands on presentation of an assortment of half hour workouts that can be done at home with little equipment and little to no cost. After 25 years of practice I see a real alarming trend in patients who get extremely deconditioned in the winter months since they find it difficult to leave the house in the cold and dark, are justifiably concerned about walking on icy surfaces, have scheduling challenges, or lack funds for a gym or group exercise classes. The half hour workouts will include a variety of options that can match a variety of physical abilities including: yoga, light aerobic routine, strength routines, etc… We will use multiple online resources that are free or have minimal costs, and demonstrate the very basic needed equipment needed to effectively exercise at home. Come with your sweatpants and be ready to have a little fun.
