Recently I’ve been getting more questions regarding taping, different techniques and the differences between tapes. The main tapes I have become familiar with are white tape or athletic taping or strapping. This is the tape that most people are familiar with on ankles in football. This tape is mostly used for support and structure. I don’t tend to use this tape very often in the clinic. Kinesiology tape is the next most common tape people know. This tape tends to be seen on athletes everywhere and has been around for awhile. I tend to use kinesiology tape mainly for some short term movement facilitation. Often patients will note feeling some additional support. The last tape I’m going to write about is a “newer” type of tape, dynamic tape. This tape is reported to be more of a biomechanical tape. I use this a lot in clinic for offloading techniques. Meaning when an injury occurs many times some of the load or weight needs to be taken off the injured tissue in order to allow for optimal healing. There are ways we can use this tape to assist in providing some of that offload as well as other in office techniques to assist in the recovery.