Customizable Pillow

Just before COVID hit Dr. Alvarez and I were talking about live workshops we were hoping to offer (we had just finished the “pregnancy prep” and “infant basic craniosacral” classes and wanted to veer off a bit). High on the list was a workshop cheekily dubbed “pillow talk”, basically a class on selecting the right pillow for the condition and sleeping position, with an actual hands-on portion where patients could try a variety of options. Needless to say, bringing a large group of folks indoors (and sharing cheek space on the same piece of fabric) became scary overnight and we never got to complete the project

Years ago we had a working relationship with a local upholsterer who was able to custom-build pillows based on the measurements we took and would then send to her for individual patients. It was a fascinating and challenging process that involved coring out a base of frozen memory foam to make room for the head at right cervical length, then adding layers of batting and foam to the right thickness. The final product was simply amazing, but our source eventually retired and nobody wanted to take over that kind of craft. Ever since then I have been on the hunt for something similar. I have recently discovered that there are several new pillow brands on the market that offer the option of customizing the thickness and firmness of a pillow, by having the customer add and remove either internal batting layers or raw form material to adjust to their needs. Here would be one example of such a product. From what I have seen, those modifiable pillows do a decent job at allowing patients to modify the pillow for thickness, firmness, although they are lacking the ability to account for the length of the cervical spine and switch from side to back sleeping position. That being said, it may still be the best option I have yet found as a replacement for the fully custom pillows we used to order.