Neurodeflective disorders , milestones and children's chiropractic

I am always interested in keeping up with chiropractic pediatric research because I feel that the future of our profession so much intersects with the future of our kids health and thriving. I found out about this most recent research article through 1 of our chiropractic research podcast, and I have listed both references at the bottom of this blog.

The research article focused on tracking traditional pediatric milestones through the chiropractic care intervention of 37 children's with neurodeflective disorders (the newest term coined to describe the spectrum of children with nonnormative neurological development for any reason). What was interesting and may be unique about this article is that it focused on the improvement in some of these traditional milestones (speech, social, gross and fine motor etc.) with the only variable being the chiropractic intervention, without some of the rehab therapy specific to each category (speech therapy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, sensory integration therapy, behavior modification therapy). The podcast producer theorizes that there is a grossly underutilized rule of chiropractors addressing subtle spinal functional lesion in the pediatric population, which will not manifest as pain, but have enough of an impact on neurological circuitry to interfere with normal neurological progression of expected milestones. The author also is strongly pushing for a better coordination of care and cooperation of chiropractors with their rehab counterparts in the above-mentioned specialties, with the idea that chiropractic will restore some degree of neuronal circuitry integrity, which then allows rehab specialists to maximize the benefit of their therapies in the affected pediatric population. This would be a refreshing departure from the current relative lack of cooperation between chiropractors and pediatric occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and behavioral therapy.