
Spring Cleaning

With our first baby due in a few weeks our spring cleanup will have to start a little early this year and with the beautiful weekend ahead of us, this is the perfect time to start! Oddly enough, I cannot wait to start cleaning with the windows open and the smell of fresh air! Is this normal or nesting? What is on your spring cleaning “to do” list? How will you be an effective contributor to your household while making sure to keep your body and stay healthy? And of course, how will you enjoy the outdoors this beautiful weekend?! We hope to enjoy a few walks, both for the outdoor, fresh air benefits and to get this baby moving :). Vacuuming our vehicles will be perfect to do too! 

A few tips to remember while spring cleaning:

  • Bend at your knees and limit rounding through your low back

  • Do you have a bunch of dog poop to clean up when the snow melts?

    • Challenge your kids or siblings to see who can pick up the most dog poop the quickest!

  • Open up those windows and allow for some fresh air to sweep through the house!

  • ENJOY IT, or try to :)